
What is ranger file manager?

ranger is a file manager that runs in the console or terminal, thought for productivity.

General Usage

How to Install Ranger?

Linux Debian

$ sudo apt install ranger

Linux Arch Based

$ sudo pacman -S ranger


$ brew install ranger

How to open Ranger File Manager?

After being installed just type “ranger”

$ ranger
ranger file manager

### how to quit or exit Ranger? You can quit ranger in the following ways:
qexits ranger
Qexits ranger
ZZexits ranger
ZQexits ranger
:exitexits ranger
:quitexits ranger

How to move around between files?

hmoves one directory to the left
[n]hmoves n directories to the left, example: 3n
lenters the right
[n]ljumps n directories to the right, example: 3l

ranger file manager

ranger file manager

jmoves the selector down
[n]jmoves the selector down n time, example: 2j
kmoves the selector up
[n]kmoves the selector up n time, example: 3k

ranger file manager

ranger file manager

ggMove to the top of the list
GMove to the bottom of the list

ranger file manager

ranger file manager